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CEO Briefing Document for PLM




The CEO Briefing Document for PLM is a specialist tool for educating senior directors and VPs about the PLM context.


CEO Briefing Document

The CEO Briefing Document provides a rapid, tailored explanation of "What PLM Is" to Board members and VPs who may find it difficult to understand, and who may resist PLM because of this.


It gives a high-level overview of PLM principles and examples that can be used to support presentations to the Board about PLM issues or project proposals.


The CEO Briefing Document is published in two formats.  There is a hard-copy version, available via Amazon, that can be handed to any CEO or VP for them to read at leisure.  There is also an electronic, modifiable version from the Store, that the PLM Manager can edit to include relevant examples from the company's own operations.  This can make it seem more directly relevant for executive colleagues who may be sceptical or tight on time.

Use of the Briefing Document improves the interaction between the PLM Manager and the Board, and prevents the distraction that happens when PLM has to be explained as part of the case for go-ahead.

See the Briefing Document Table of Contents >>>




The CEO Briefing Document is a concise, high-level overview of PLM principles and examples that can be used to support presentations to the board about PLM issues or project proposals.  The Briefing Document is completely generic, and is relevant to any Board member of any size of company, in any industry.

It is designed to be used in an active situation, where a PLM project has been properly justified or a PLM issue has been properly presented.  It improves the interaction between the PLM Manager and the board, and prevents the diffusion that happens when PLM has to be explained as part of the case for go-ahead.


How It Works


People look for an "Elevator Pitch" for PLM - an instant explanation of the benefits that will convince a CEO while you share a lift to the sixth floor. This is not possible, and it is not necessary.

PLM projects should get funded because they will deliver significant financial and operational benefits for the company. That needs a thorough justification, which takes time to produce. The PLM Justification Handbook explains how to do this, over the course of 74 pages.

However, the problem that "the Board doesn't understand about PLM" still remains. Getting approval for a new PLM project is a selling situation, and if the Customer (CEO or VP on the Approval Board) has a vague doubt in his mind about "this PLM stuff" then he is likely to go round the loop again and again.

The CEO Briefing Document provides a rapid overview of PLM that switches off the doubt, and lets everyone focus instead on the financial and operational benefits that you have written into the justification.


Three Sections


The Briefing Document is structured in 3 sections that can be read independently of each each other.  This makes it easier and quicker to read, and provides the reader with a more focused explanation:-

  • Section 1:  Dealing with PLM Detail
  • Section 2:  High-Level PLM
  • Section 3:  View from the Coalface

The PLM Manager can therefore hand a copy of the Document to the CEO or VP, and suggest which is the best section to read.


How Do I Get One?


The CEO Briefing Document is provided with Q&A support to PLMIG Members, so you will receive a copy if you join with any class of Membership.

Alternatively, you may buy hard copies from Amazon or electronic copies from the Store.

For more information about PLM upward management, or the Briefing Document itself, contact .

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