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Data Management Manual


Many of the most challenging problems in PLM, or ERP, or PLMuERP together, arise from pure data management issues - problems and technicalities that apply to all branches of computing.

The PLMuERP Workshop series that generated the PLMuERP Handbook highlighted the importance of good data management to the integrity, and ease of rationalisation, of any PLMuERP environment.

Despite its importance, and the existence of a number of organisations that specialise in the subject, there has not been any simple document that PLM managers can use to be sure that they understand it correctly.


Data Management Manual

The PLMIG has therefore produced the Data Management Manual to be used alongside the PLMuERP Handbook and Primer.



The Data Management Manual incorporates the PLMIG material on the fundamentals of data management that has been generated since 2004, together with specific elements for PLM and ERP.





The rules and principles that it contains are not new, but they have never been formalised before. They embody the kind of knowledge that system managers talk about when they meet each other at conferences or on bulletin boards. The content of the Manual should form the basis of 'basic training' for everyone whose job entails the active management of product data.

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