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PLM Manager's Handbook



The PLM Manager, or, in larger corporations, the PLM Team, is at the very heart of PLM.  All PLM theory, tools and advice are aimed at improving PLM as it is applied in user companies - and the PLM Manager or 'Prime Mover' is the person who makes this happen.

Until now, there has been no written explanation of how the PLM Manager should do this.




The PLM Manager's Handbook explains the fundamental principles and methodologies of PLM in a single reference document.

It sets out a comprehensive framework of tools and information that leads from the first decision to try to understand PLM, to managing a fully-working implementation, and then beyond into the realms of advanced PLM.

Based on more than 20 years' work by the PLMIG in Europe and North America, investigating and codifying the most difficult tasks in PLM, it contains the advice that an experienced mentor might give, if such a person was always available. As a written document, it is something that the PLM Manager can keep on his or her desk and refer to on a day-to-day basis.

This is the most comprehensive book of factual guidance for the PLM Manager that has ever been produced.  It is not an encyclopaedia or training course, because that would run to thousands of pages and would become unreadable.  Instead, the essence of everything that the PLM Manager must be skilled in is captured in 130 pages.

It is a reference book for the PLM Manager who needs to understand and lead the PLM environment he or she happens to be in; and will also be of use to those who serve and assist user companies, by creating an understanding of what life is like for the PLM Manager, enabling them to imagine themselves in the PLM Manager's position and see the problems and solutions of his or her world.

The Handbook is laid out in 8 sections, as shown in the Table of Contents.


How Do I Get One?


The PLM Manager's Handbook is provided with Q&A support to PLMIG Members, so you will receive a copy if you join with any class of Membership.

Alternatively, you may buy hard copies from Amazon.

For more information about the PLM Management, or the Handbook itself, contact .

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