PLM Interest Group














User Forum Workshops

User Forum Workshops


The PLMIG User Forum series provides an unparalleled opportunity for PLM Teams from user companies to work constructively together without the distraction of vendors or providers.

No advertising, no selling, no distractions.  Just a focus on what the participants want to talk about.


Based on the format developed by the original Pathfinder Meeting, these are highly interactive events.

Delegates select the subjects and make short presentations to outline the problems, and then the whole group works together to share ideas and solutions.


The PLMIG provides advanced theory and best practice to enhance the discussions, and then produces a Summary Document with all of the results.  This gives the participants a written record of the findings to use as future working material.


User Forum Workshops

A Whole Day on PLM


The User Forum meetings are held on a single day, rather than across two half days.  Holding them in a single day keeps everyone focused on the discussions.  The participants gel together, the working ideas build on each other, and the group produces better results.

This format is for PLM practitioners who want to work with the issues of "here and now".  By meeting for a full working day, the Agenda can go into detail on the issues that the group wants to cover, and the discussions have enough depth to produce results that can be taken forward.


User Forum Workshops



The PLMIG provides briefing material for delegates in advance of the first session, so that everyone has a head start when the sessions commence.

As stated, the fine detail of the Agenda on the day will be confirmed and agreed by the participants.

The PLMIG sets the scene by covering the background to, and current progress of, the User Initiative; and offering a concise presentation of PLM theory that should be helpful when dealing with the Agenda topics.

Three issues, as pre-selected by the participants, are presented and discussed in half-hour sessions. (Anything longer than this tends to disintegrate into a chat rather than a discussion.)  A Review Session leading to the break allows the group to debate the findings and collate their ideas.

The second half of the day begins with a PLMIG analysis show how best practice can apply, and then the participants can start to work as a collective entity.

There should then be time for one more PLM issue to be debated, this time selected by the group on the day.

See the Detailed Agenda >>>


User Forum Workshops

Third User Forum Week


The series continues with a third set of three consecutive 1-day events during Week 09, each in a different time zone.  This gives users from three continents the chance to take part, and allow sharing and comparison of the findings.

The Agenda will be the same on each day, though obviously the detailed discussions will be different. This will generate three Summary Documents, each of which will be shared with the participants of that week's events.

The dates of the next events are:-






USA / Canada


Tues. 28 Feb.


Weds. 01 Mar.


Thur. 02 Mar.


10:30 - 19:00


08:30 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:30


The times shown match the Agenda, and are local in each case (IST, CEST and EDT).

The USA and Canada are so large that this workshop will just aimed at the eastern half, but anyone is welcome to join any event if it suits their waking hours.


User Forum Workshops




Taking part in the PLM User Forum events will enable you to:-

  • See how other PLM Managers are working on PLM, and share ideas;
  • Work through PLM issues in detail;
  • Have your issue covered within the Agenda;
  • Take part in the group discussions to combine your experience;
  • Use the Summary Document as an instruction manual for solving the problems; and,
  • Become part of a new community as the participants work together.



Who Should Take Part


Each Workshop is open to PLM practitioners from user companies, from any country.  It does not matter which industry you are in, or which vendors you buy from.  Neither does it matter how expert (or otherwise) you feel you are.  This is a Round Table format, and the PLMIG provides the PLM theory and principles that link the discussion themes together.

The events are vendor-neutral, and are entirely positive.  The PLMIG will manage the Meetings, providing the structure and maintaining the balance of the discussions.



Forming Communities


These are user-only events simply because it enables the participants to talk with other with the complete absence of selling pressure.  Conversations can be open, and ideas can wander anywhere.

Beyond the meetings, delegates are free to do what they like with the material.  The most obvious thing to do is to keep on sharing ideas with the other participants on an informal basis, and comparing progress towards implementing a solution.  As more workshops take place over time, this user interaction may lead to communities of users in particular industries or similar geographical regions.


User Forum Workshops


Event Details


These are on-line events, and each registering company can have three delegates take part.  Participation includes the PLMIG working material and the finished material after the event.

The Registration Fee for a PLM User Forum Workshop is €295 (or £250 / $300).

Registration will remain open until the end of Friday 17 February, to allow time for the detailed discussion material to be prepared.


Take Part in the Meeting


There are Datasheets that you can download for India, Europe or USA/Canada.  These are effectively identical apart from the Agenda listings, which are shown in local time.

If you would like to take part you can download a Registration Form via this link

If you would like to ask any other questions, or to suggest topics for the group discussions, you can do so via .

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