PLM Interest Group


Welcome to the PLMIG

The PLM Interest Group provides neutral tools, expert knowledge, managed programmes and leadership to raise the performance of PLM.


PLM Toolsets

PLMIG toolsets are the instruction books for PLM. They embody most comprehensive and advanced set of neutral working methodologies for PLM.


Professional PLM

The Professional PLM Forum completes the first iteration of the discussion phase with two on-line sessions on 19 February.














Over the past 20 years the PLMIG has run a wide range of initiatives which have established many of the core principles and techniques of PLM.

You can find the tools and methodologies under PLM Improvement.


Many PLMIG techniques have raised the horizons of PLM and enable solutions and outcomes that were not previously thought possible.

You can browse these and compare them to your current thinking under Advanced Thought.


The Professional PLM International Panel will start the next stage with its second meeting on March 04.

Enrolment for that meeting is now open and you are welcome to take part.

PLM Improvement


Advanced Thought


Professional PLM Panel