PLM Interest Group














Professional PLM


In 2017-18 the PLMIG championed the concept of professionalism in PLM, and ran a series of international workshops to show how a recognised Professional Body might be established.


Those workshops led to the formation of the Professional PLM Initiative, that aims to establish a well-defined, internationally-recognised professional structure for the PLM industry.


The PLMIG continues to manage this programme, supporting the Steering Group and generating and the deliverables to bring about a clearly-defined Vision for the future.

In 2023 this included the publication of a definitive Industry White Paper and five multi-timezone workshops on subjects ranging from the future of PLM to the impact of PLM on Offshoring.



Role of the PLMIG


The PLM Interest Group was formed in 2004 because, at that time, there was no neutral 'PLM Institute' to represent the views of the PLM industry and to act as a Center of Excellence.

The intention was that the PLMIG would eventually become this independent body, and it started to run a wide range of initiatives which have, over the years, resolved some of the most intractable problems in PLM.

Its success in doing so has made it impossible to fulfil its original purpose.  Its knowledge is seen as neutral, but also proprietary.  Furthermore, the aim has changed, and the PLMIG has played a leading role this thought process.

The goal now is to establish an internationally-recognised Professional Body for PLM.  The PLM Interest Group is an agent of change, not an Institution, and has no interest in becoming that Body.



PLMIG Support


The PLMIG now has two roles.  At an industry level, the aim is to manage the Initiative to the point at which it reaches its critical mass and becomes self-supporting into the long-term future.  In parallel with this, the PLMIG provides support to individual practitioners via the PLM Associate programme.

The high-level progress towards a profession can be followed in detail on the Professional PLM Initiative web site.  This includes milestones such as the publication of the Industry White Paper, and proposals such as those for the new Centres of Excellence.



Immediate Benefits


It may take a couple of years before a PLM Profession can be formed and for official qualifications and certification to be established.  A great deal of new material will be created in this timeframe, and it is important to make use of it as soon as it becomes available.

The PLMIG will be creating all of the working documentation for the Steering Group, and already has an extensive body of tools and methodologies that have been created from its past work.  This has been restructured into a programme that individual practitioners can benefit from now.



Corporate Benefits


There are many benefits for user companies, vendors, providers and advisors who take part in the Initiative.

The immediate sharing of ideas and methods as part of discussions about what a Profession needs will cast fresh light on existing practices and areas for improvement.  Support from vendors and advisors can be put into a wider context, and differences in PLM around the world can be compared.  The overall process will emulate the effects of a widespread benchmarking exercise without the overheads of any formal arrangement.

The formation of PLM Centres of Excellence in various regions of the world will raise the standards of PLM expectations, prompting companies to do better and providing repositories of knowledge to enable them to do so.

All of this is overseen by the organisations that comprise the Steering Group, which provides the overall guidance and direction for the Initiative.  Not only does this provide the opportunity to shape the future Profession, but as the Initiative progresses it creates a "Voice of the Industry" for PLM.



PLM Associate Programme


There are thousands of PLM practitioners around the world who want to improve their careers.  The Professional PLM Associate Programme is a path that can be followed now, with benefits for the practitioner and for their organisation.

It provides a reference framework for the participant to establish their current scenario and future aims; supported by a 12-month supply of working material for the participant to improve his or her skill set.  This turns the everyday work of a PLM practitioner into a career journey that enhances their capabilities and moves towards future professionalism.

You can read more about the Associate Programme via this link, and request any other information via .

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