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PLMIG Corporate Membership


PLMIG Corporate Membership is designed to achieve Class A PLM throughout the global enterprise.

It combines interactive guidance and workshops with ongoing support, documentation and review to achieve Class A PLM within the 12-month period of Membership.

It can also be used to enact PLM Recovery, and to implement Financial Control.




Corporate Membership provides the structure, metricisation and planning support that is needed if PLM is to achieve measurable transformation.


For global corporations, PLM is extremely complex.  It can be difficult to determine, year on year, whether the scope, quality and effectiveness of the implementation has actually improved.

Corporate Membership of the PLMIG provides a programme of interactive support for companies that are implementing PLM; and licensing and support for vendors, integrators and consultancies that wish to leverage the PLMIG material within their customer or client base.

A Force for Improvement


One of the greatest difficulties for a corporate implementation is to ensure that the Vision, planning, and technical adoption are as close as possible to 100% harmonisation and 100% reach throughout the global enterprise.

The PLM Team faces a huge task to achieve this in the face of challenges such as extensive product ranges; separate divisions; locations in many countries; legacy technologies and ways of working; and the movement towards Digital and AI.

Corporate Membership adds the drive, expertise and external support to create a force for improvement across the whole PLM environment, producing structured results that improve the progress of PLM year on year.

Users and Vendors


The PLMIG is an entirely open organisation, and Corporate Membership is available equally to user companies and to vendors, integrators and consultancies: but the needs (and therefore the approach) are different.

PLM Teams in large user companies deal with the operation and ongoing improvement of their very own, complex and unique environment.  No two large implementations are anywhere near the same, and after a few years, every company's management approach is different too.  The PLMIG provides a continual external reference point for best practice together with the tools to raise the overall level.

For vendors, in particular, the problem is almost reversed.  There are hundreds or thousands of different customers, all with their own drivers, issues and problems; all trying to get more out of PLM, and in general, all keeping the vendor at a slight distance because of the selling relationship.  Offering them the use of PLMIG neutral material, within your proprietary approach, can enable them to progress further and achieve more.

User Membership


For user companies, Corporate Membership instils best practice and governance into the ongoing implementation programme, improving awareness, scope and traction, and setting up the path to advanced financial management.

Corporate Membership is focused around a 4-Stage, 9-Step programme that leads to the achievement of Class A PLM.  Achieving Class A PLM highlights the current strengths of the implementation and lifts the rest up to the same high standard.

It provides all of the tools that you need, together with guidance on their use; active, active support during the analyses; documentation assistance during the reviews and planning; and assessment against Class A PLM at the end of the 12-month programme.  Corporate Membership acts on an enterprise scale, using the PLMIG tools and methodologies to ensure that company-wide PLM performance is at its maximum.

Vendor/Advisor Membership


Corporate Membership works at two levels: the detailed level of helping customers and clients to improve their application of PLM; and the industry level of how the Member fits into the wider PLM landscape.

At the detailed level, the aim is to provide easy and effective means of enabling users to improve their application of PLM.  Corporate Membership provides electronic versions of the entire PLMIG toolset, with full licensing and support.  The tools can be adopted, published and applied worldwide, either in the original format or embodied within your own Sales, Marketing and Consulting services.

At the industry level, PLMIG input can highlight areas where a proprietary approach excludes parts of the marketplace, creating hidden boundaries; and generate new themes and material to move past them.

Professionalism Fast Track


Corporate Membership also includes the Fast Track to PLM Professionalism at a pan-organisational level, permeating the focus and the benefits across teams and geographies.

This embeds a professional approach within the organisation; and associated membership of the Professional PLM Steering Group enables you to influence the way the profession is heading.

Lasting Benefits


In summary, Corporate Membership allows you to work interactively with the PLMIG at an organisational level, including:-

  • active support of the programme to achieve Class A PLM
  • on-line or on-site assistance in applying the PLMIG Toolsets
  • fast-track adoption of material from the Professional PLM Initiative
  • support and management of the PLM Recovery Process
  • monitoring and support of PLM strategy and planning
  • independent guidance on roadmapping to Full PLM Maturity
  • free participation in PLMIG events
  • annual review of the direction and planning of the PLMIG

Corporate Membership provides support for all PLMIG-related improvement projects within the 12-month timeframe.

How to Join


Corporate Membership operates on a rolling 12-month basis. The annual fee is €36000 / £30000 / $40000.

The first step is to have a discussion about how it will apply in detail, by contacting Roger Tempest at

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