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PLM Diagnostic


Sometimes a PLM issue occurs that is so detailed and company-specific that there is no standard course of action to resolve it.

Quite often such problems are related either technical or human interaction; or to force majeure - the impact of other, larger projects over which the PLM Manager has no say or control.  In many cases, the PLM Manager can see the problem clearly but is unable to make non-PLM colleagues aware of the pitfalls.



The PLMIG PLM Diagnostic technique enables a solution to be found quickly and easily.

The ideal solution might seem to be to bring in external consultancy, by its nature the problem is difficult to define and its scope is hidden from most budget approvers.  Even if a proposal could be defined, it would seem too expensive to senior management.

The answer is to use the power of video conferencing to combine PLMIG diagnosis with the PLM Manager's own skills in a simple, iterative process.


The PLM Diagnostic format helps the PLM Team to formulate the problem in writing, analyse the possible options, and then take action - all in the minimum number of iterative steps.


Iterative Format


The minimum number of iterations is obviously one, and it may be possible to do the diagnosis with only one video conference session.

The reason is that each iteration is carefully prepared.  The first step is to produce a written Problem Formulation, and the PLMIG provides guidance for the PLM Manager to compile and present the background.  This is refined via Q&A correspondence, which prepares for the first video conference meeting.

This means that the first session is very productive, and the PLMIG provides the Summary Document that puts the results in writing.

If this gives the PLM Manager the material to go forward, then the Diagnosis is complete.  If more work is needed, the next step is agreed, and the process moves forward to a second step.  The moment the PLM Manager becomes confident of resolving the problem, the process stops.


Diagnostic Structure


The Diagnostic process is completely ad-hoc, and arranged to suit the needs and timing of the PLM Manager.

The main steps in the process are:-

  • Advise the PLM Manager to formulate the problem
  • PLMIG Q&A Support in preparing written and presentation overviews
  • PLMIG-hosted video conference with slide sharing
  • PLMIG provides written Summary Document and material to go forward
  • PLM Manager decides if another iteration is needed


Find Out More


The PLM Diagnostic is provided as an option within Bespoke Membership.

You can download a Brochure to see the process in more detail.

Although the structure is constant, the targets and work programme are always specific to the company concerned, and you can find out how it would apply to your own situation via .

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