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  - Targeted Results
  - Comprehensive Approach
  - Making the Case
  - Documented Persuasion
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Executive Support for PLM


One of the major issues that still holds back PLM is the need to get 'Executive Support' for the implementation.



Lack of Executive Support is one of the most difficult barriers for the PLM Team to overcome, and a specific approach is needed.


PLM Managers sometimes refer to "Executives" or "Senior Management" as if they are somehow elevated and unreachable, but they work for the same company and they should share your aims of improving the business.



The PLMIG has developed a new, structured methodology that enables the PLM Team to embed PLM into senior management thinking and planning, and to make the case for new PLM improvements in a way that they will find easy to understand and approve.


Targeted Results


A feature of the Executive Support programme is that the PLM Team can define at the outset what level of support should be achieved, and the specific stakeholders who should be involved.  This means that all of the on-site working sessions can be aligned around these targets, optimising the results that are achieved.


Comprehensive Approach


The methodology operates at two different levels in parallel, supported by an integrated series of on-site working sessions.

A high-level programme of upward management engages with the required senior stakeholders, while a more detailed operational analysis prepares the business case that will be presented.


Making the Case


PLM has the advantage that it is widely applied in engineering and manufacturing environments, where facts can speak for themselves.  If it is discovered that a new product will fail under working stress, it does not matter who provided the information.  As long as the facts are correct, action will be taken.

PLM needs to make the same kind of solid case for itself; and then to present it to those who need to listen. This requires an organised approach that includes:-

  • Establishing the Governance pathway up to VP level
  • Baselining the Current Situation
  • Doing the groundwork in Discovery and Metrics
  • Constructing the solid Written Argument


Documented Persuasion


Structured documentation is the key.  Written arguments carry force, and written evidence is hard to refute. The argument must move logically and inexorably towards a positive PLM conclusion, and the Executive Support process formalises the best way to do it.


Find Out More


PLM Executive Support is provided as one of the options within Bespoke Membership.

You can download a Brochure to see the full details of the process.

Although the structure is constant, the targets and work programme are always specific to the company concerned, and you can find out how it would apply to your own company via .

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