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PLM Technical Cross-Check

PLM Technical Cross-Check


For a successful PLM Recovery to happen, there must be an honest and impartial rethink of the situation before any actions are taken.


This can be hard to achieve, because everyone involved is already bound up in the situation, and the advice that you have already been taking has helped bring you to this point.


The Recovery steps are well structured, but you must have a considered and accurate view of the scenario before you start the process.


The quickest and most effective way to do this is to talk the situation through with an external expert.


This is not just an in-depth conversation.  You need clear advice and documentation so that the Cross-Check stands as a record of the findings, and provides the starting material for the Recovery Process that will follow.


PLM Technical Cross-Check


Reviewer - Roger Tempest

When the PLMIG takes on this role, the review is carried out by Roger Tempest.


Roger Tempest has been working in engineering and technical data management since the 1980s, and has been working in PLM since the acronym was invented.

Since co-founding the PLM Interest Group in 2004 he has developed an extensive array of practical PLM tools and methodologies, building on the expertise and participation of PLMIG members.  He has also defined the most structured body of neutral PLM theory.


With extensive experience of analysing PLM, running interactive sessions to find and structure the facts, and writing some of the most advanced working material in PLM, he can provide a swift and accurate assessment.


PLM Technical Cross-Check


How it Works


There are several important elements to the Cross-Check.  Firstly, it has to be a free-ranging conversation, and it must cover the whole scope of the PLM environment.  Your advisor will need to be able to guide this effectively, sharing his analysis as he does so.  This frees the PLM Team from the pressure of thinking about the current problems and generates a positive cycle in which new ideas start to emerge.

Most importantly of all, the advisor must be able to analyse the scenario against best practice in order to identify where the technical shortcomings lie.  By identifying and structuring these, it can then be shown which parts of the current implementation are correct and should be maintained.  In any major corporate PLM implementation, at least 80% of the work will have been useful.  One of the primary deliverables of the Technical Cross-Check is to show which 80% still has value.

The remaining 20% requires some brainstorming and "what ifs", oriented around high-level PLM best practice and the most promising recovery paths within the company.

The Analysis must come with an explanation that is clear to everyone, so diagramming and documentation are required in a form that colleagues and senior management will understand and respect.

With modern webex facilities the Cross-Check can be carried out remotely, simply by adapting to time zones.  The PLMIG can host, but it is usually more productive for the client to do so, because the preparation for the webex helps the user to marshall his or her thoughts and ideas.


PLM Technical Cross-Check

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