PLM Interest Group














PLMIG Individual Membership

PLMIG Individual Membership


PLMIG Individual Membership provides neutral tools, standards and best practices to set up, manage and implement PLM effectively.

The range of material extends from early adoption to the advanced levels of Class A PLM, but providing the material is only part of the story.  Membership also includes guidance on how to use each tool in its particular work setting so that you can get started quickly and get it right first time.




Individual Membership provides all of the PLMIG Toolsets in electronic format, plus ongoing Q&A support through the year.


The ongoing support starts when you join, with a straightforward induction that enables you to position your implementation scenario against a checklist of best-practice parameters.

This 'As Is' picture becomes the platform for structured suggestions that highlight the areas you may want to focus on, and show how the PLMIG tools and methods can take you towards those aims.

PLMIG Membership is structured around a logical progression through PLM understanding:-



PLMIG Individual Membership


PLMIG Tools and Methods


Individual Membership of the PLMIG provides the full set of PLM tools including electronic copies of the publications on Amazon.

PLMIG Toolsets include:-   Expand the list >>>

  • The complete toolset for PLM Justification
  • The master document for PLM Delivery
  • The most advanced toolset for PLM and ERP Integration
  • The tool for creating Board-Level PLM Awareness
  • The neutral standard for PLM Governance
  • Toolkits for PLM Assessment and Benchmarking
  • The theory and core methodology of PLM-ALM Integration
  • The world's largest compilation of PLM Concepts

The full array of tools is shown here, with a more detailed overview here,




PLMIG Individual Membership


PLM Manager's Handbook


Each PLMIG standard or toolkit is written to be self-explanatory, and can be applied straight away in the scenario for which it was designed.  However, with Membership you receive the whole set at once and it may be difficult to know where to start.

There is also the question of whether or not you are starting from the right place, because every PLM scenario is different and it is easy to expend effort that does not align with the context.

The PLM Manager's Handbook explains how it all fits together.  It enables the reader to position themselves and their organisation in the PLM ecosystem, and explains the fundamental principles that every PLM practitioner should know.  It goes on to provide a concise overview of how the PLMIG tools and material are best used.

As such it is one of the most useful reference documents for the PLM practitioner to have on his or her shelf.



PLMIG Individual Membership


Body of Knowledge


There is an enormous amount of PLM knowledge in the heads of experienced practitioners, and embodied in the vast range of proprietary software, consultancy offerings and educational courses that now exist.

However, almost by definition, this is not available for everyone to share and learn from - with the result that the PLM industry has no recognised best practices, and newer adopters are having to learn the same lessons as their predecessors, over and over again.

The PLM Interest Group is compiling and structuring this missing neutral body of PLM knowledge in 3 ways. The first is by its long history of workshops and initiatives that have enabled practitioners from many countries to combine their expertise.  The second is by the PLMIG leadership of the Professional PLM Initiative, which itself must construct a body of knowledge against which to accredit and certify the members of a future Professional Body.

The third method is ongoing, and never stops.  As Members interact with the PLMIG, applying the tools and using the Q&A support it creates an ever-increasing resource of new real-world experience that is built into the central repository - which then becomes available for other Members.



PLMIG Individual Membership


Professional PLM


The PLMIG is the driving force behind the Professional PLM Initiative, which aims to establish a globally-recognised Profession for PLM practitioners.  In 2023 this has included the publication of a definitive Industry White Paper and five multi-timezone workshops on subjects ranging from the future of PLM to the impact of PLM on Offshoring.

The drive to form a specific profession for PLM will not only raise profile and awareness amongst other disciplines, but will have the effect of expanding and integrating the worldwide PLM industry.  As the Initiative reaches through the world's manufacturing countries it will spread good practice and cross-fertilise ideas. This can be leveraged by participants to actively enhance the direction, growth and adoption of PLM.

Individual Members of the PLMIG benefit from this directly, as Membership includes optional participation in the Professional PLM Associate Programme if they require it.  This provides a 12-month Fast Track to Professionalism under the guidance of the PLMIG and provides all of the new releases in the programme to reshape the PLM Industry as a profession.



PLMIG Individual Membership


Q&A Support


One of the most frustrating problems in PLM is to try and find information about a particular issue when you hit a sticking point.  PLMIG experience shows that it can take a surprisingly small amount of direct conversation to resolve these situations, and as such provides Q&A Support for tools, material and general PLM issues.

Members can request feedback as they apply the extensive set of Tools and Material, and the answers to the questions become part of the neutral knowledge.  When you encounter specific problems, a question to the PLMIG can show you ways to resolve them.

How to Join


Become a Member of the PLMIG and move forward at your own pace.  Individual Membership of the PLMIG applies on a calendar year basis.  The fee for Standard Individual Membership is €2300 (or £2000, $2500).

Join the PLMIG now and your membership will run until December 2024.  For a Membership Form, contact Roger Tempest at or download a Form via this link.

© Copyright 2024 PLM Interest Group


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