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PLM Concept Set - Standard




The PLM Concept Set is a set of standard definitions and principles that should be understood and applied by all PLM practitioners.  It encapsulates the high-level concepts that experienced PLM people will know, but people new to the role may not.

Each definition and principle is a standard in its own right, but the PLM Concept Set brings them together in a standardised grouping that defines, for the first time, a base point of conceptual knowledge for clear and accurate PLM thinking.




Understanding of the PLM Concept Set is necessary for a successful approach to all PLM activities, including (for example); long-term planning; definition of metrics; customer and supplier collaboration; and even the application of PLM standards themselves.  

PLM managers, vendors, integrators and consultants all speak the same "PLM language", and share some vague kind of common experience, but what is it that experienced PLM people know that someone new to the role would not?

Almost everyone who has worked in PLM for some time knows these concepts implicitly, but they have never previously been defined.

These fundamentals are formalised by the PLM Concept Set.




 PLM Concept Set

PLM Definition

A concise definition of PLM that, when applied literally, is always true.

PLM Definition >>>

PLM vs PDM Definition

A definition of the relationship between
PLM and PDM.

PLM vs PDM Definition >>>

'Enterprise Down' Concept

All aspects of PLM need to be considered in the context of the whole enterprise, otherwise frequent misunderstandings will occur.

'Enterprise Down' Concept >>>

PLM Permeation Concept

PLM implementation effort will be concentrated only on the geographical and organisational area of the PLM team unless
this concept is always kept in mind.

PLM Permeation Concept >>>

PLM Traction Concept

If PLM is successful then a percentage improvement in PLM should result in a proportionate improvement to the whole business.

PLM Traction Concept >>>

PLM Maturity Definition

A definition of the state of 'Full PLM Maturity' that all implementations should be aiming for.

PLM Maturity Definition >>>

PLM Best Practice Definition

A definition of PLM Best Practice - a condition that is often claimed, but can be hard to verify.

PLM Best Practice Definition >>>

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