PLM Interest Group













  Welcome to the PLMIG


The PLM Interest Group has developed the most comprehensive and advanced set of neutral working methodologies for PLM.



The PLMIG runs a wide range of initiatives and workshop series that generate the PLM knowledge that is built into these toolsets.



There is also an extensive back catalogue of web and journal articles covering the concepts and ideas that affect the world of the PLM practitioner.





The latest developments in PLMIG initiatives, including the 2024 Programme for Class A PLM, and the Professional PLM Initiative.



PLMIG toolsets cover the main areas of activity of the PLM Team.  They can be applied by user companies to improve their implementations, or by integrators and consultants to assist their clients.



In its 14 years of existence the PLM Interest Group has covered a huge range of PLM themes and issues, either through its initiatives or in the pages of the PLM Journal.  Find them here.



At present the PLM industry has no framework or standards of performance for advanced PLM practice.  The path towards Excellence requires good governance and a clear understanding of Advanced PLM.



PLM needs to become more like a profession, with required skill sets, qualifications and wider recognition.  The PLMIG is taking the lead in this Initiative, which now has its own web site.



The PLMIG can provide external support ranging from an external review of the current situation to tailored short-term mentoring for the PLM Team; or a specific project to get the buy-in of senior executives for PLM.



PLM Governance should be seen as an activity in its own right, and specific attention should be paid in order that it is done well. There is also a formal standard that can be applied to ensure an effective management structure from Board to operational level.



For those at the early stages of discovering and adopting PLM, the whole subject can seem new and complex.  The good news is that PLM does have a structure, and there is a correct and effective way to guide your company through the process of PLM adoption.



Toolsets and handbooks can be purchased from the Store, and the entire set of PLMIG material is provided with Membership.

  © Copyright 2024 PLM Interest Group  

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